Name: Steam Name :: Kawaii~. Name In Real Life :: Brandon Thompson.
Age: I am currently seventeen years of age.
Where you ever admin on another server?: I've owned three HL2RP servers, admin'd -- in a rough count -- about 7-8 in my two years of having played Half-Life 2 Role-Play.
What do you do if some one is RDMing?: I respond to the report immediately; if the RDM was currently going on, I would simply observer to the situation, make sure the complaint is valid, and if so, speak to the person RDMing. Chances are, he is a new player and not a minge. If he was a new player, I would try my best to teach him the ways of Half-Life 2 Role-Play, and serious role-play in general. If he was simply just a minge, I would proceed to ban the RDMer for the appropriate amount of time, after reminding him of what he did wrong.
What do you do if some one was on there OTA with out being woken up?: Very simply, I would inform them of their mistakes. Afterwards, swiftly tell them to change immediately back to their other character, whether it be Civil Protection, or a Citizen. If they disagree, action would be taken to force them to flag down. (IE: A warning, for example, "If does not flag down within the next five minutes, will be kicked." if the warning was not adhered to, I would do as I stated, and kick .
What would you do if 2 players where fighting over rolls about getting punched in the face and how would you settle it. Very simply, I'd hear both sides of the story before invoking judgement. With this, I'd then check the logs to verify each of their stories. If the "loser" refused to accept he lost the roll, he would be threatened with a kick, and if he still didn't adhere that he lost the roll, he would be kicked.
What do you do if another admin was abusing his power (Example: Spawning in guns and all that)? First, I would make sure to check if his rank is below mine. Assuming it isn't, I would immediately contact someone with authority over this person and let them handle it. I would not be threatening to demote a Super Administrator as an Operator. If I did have authority over this person, I would demote them until further notice while I speak to the owner, or other people above my rank to figure out whether or not the demotion would be permanent.
Why do you want to become staff on our server? I want to help the server in all the ways I can; having the experience I have tucked under my belt, and a ton of time on my hands, I'm glad to offer any help I possibly can to fellow Role-Players.
Why should we choose your app from others who submitted them? I feel that my experience outweighs theirs, as does my proffessional traits. At my age, I've worked one job before at a small guitar shop called "Long & McQuade.", so I am disciplined and able to listen to my superiours. I've also went through various volunteer programs as my schooling/education requires it.
Why do you think you have what it takes to be a admin on our server? As stated before, I believe I have the proffessional traits, and experience to admin another Half-Life 2 Role-Play server, due to the amount I've admin'd in the past, and the good constructive criticism I've gotten over the years.
Who recommended you to do this app? Actually, no one. The name of your HL2RP server did. Any server in need of staff, I offer my assistance in any way I can.
Thank you for reading my application! I hope I can do anything to help your fine server!
Have a good day.